I am asthmatic, and since I am stubborn and impulsive at times, I do not follow doctor's orders nor religiously take medication. Fortunately, I do buy all the prescribed medicines and I try to learn everything about the disease. I know that asthma is hereditary and there will come a time when my children will have it too. I dread the day but it has come much sooner than I expected it would be. Baby J had a cough that lasted for two weeks, he was given antibiotics but it never completely went away. He started coughing late at night, and then vomiting when he feels icky with the phlegm. But the phlegm was whitish and his cough was frequent when the AC was very cold. I need not put 1 and 1 together to think that he might be having symptoms of asthma.
I called my cousin who is a pedia and described his symptoms, and she confirmed, baby had asthma. She told me to eliminate all the triggers. So my OC germphobic and moldphobic mode was activated...now his clothes has to be washed with a little bleach to kill mildews and molds. He also seemed sensitive to too much coldness, so now he sleeps in a body suit. He also have learned to wake me up if he does not feel well and when he is coughing. I am imagining the coming days when he gets more active, when he has to go out, go to school, how would he be with asthma? It has also made me think twice about how I manage my own asthma, and I vow to probably be better at managing it.
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